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Computing curriculum


A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.

National Curriculum.


Our aim throughout Faber is that children develop into a;

Digital Citizen – somebody who is safe and responsible

Digital Creator – somebody who is logical and creative

Digital Communicator – somebody who is digitally literate







We use Purple Mash to support our curriculum across our school. Purple Mash a cloud-based platform for primary-aged children. It contains a wide range of age-appropriate, creative software tools for writing, drawing, coding, animating and blogging. Through it, teachers provide excellent opportunities for children to express themselves within their Computing lessons. 





We also use the Teach Computing scheme to support some of our units of work, especially as we move into Key Stage 2. Teach Computing is a scheme of learning from the National Centre for Computing Education  and is based around interconnected networks that allow children to progress through the National Curriculum. Teach Computing allows children to access software that will be used as they move to KS3, as well as in the wider world of work!


Better Together!

We are so lucky to have our Specialist Teacher, Mr Johnson, join us each week from Painsley Catholic College. He works with class 3 and 4 children in their Computing lessons and this supports the transition into Painsley as children move into Year 7. Mr Johnson teaches Computing at Painsley, as well as here with us at Faber, so is able to ensure that children are fully equipped to make the move to their secondary computing education.
