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Class 1


Welcome to Class One


Miss Forrest & Mrs Rushton


Our Curriculum vehicle is called ‘Everyday Heroes!’ where we will be learning all about different people who help us in our lives and community. We will look at different occupations and think about how we can help in our community also.

We will also have a variety of visitors into class to talk to us about what they do, and how they help people.




In R.E this half term we will be learning about Christmas, ordering the Nativity story and talking about his special visitors. Then we will start to learn about Baptism – we will role-play a Baptism ceremony and how we are welcomed into God’s family. Our next unit is Lent, where will be learning all about the preparations for Easter and the importance of fasting and Lenten Promises. And then we will find out all about Holy Week, and the events that took place on the run up to Easter.



In RHE (Relation and Health Education) we follow the Ten:Ten scheme called ‘Life to the Full’. This term we will be focussing on our ‘Emotional Well-Being’ and ‘Growing Up’. We will also be looking at the Chinese culture when we learn about Chinese New Year.



The children in Nursery will have daily phonics session focusing on Phase 1, which helps them to distinguish sounds both in the environment and instrumental. The main focus for this half term will be rhyming, alliteration and beginning to orally blend and segment words


In Reception, children will have daily Read Write Inc. sessions, where they will begin to learn to recognise and sound out the first set of sounds. They will use these sounds when learning to read to simple decodable words and we will also be learning to read the first set of high frequency words.


In Reception, children will continue to have daily Read Write Inc. sessions, focusing on reading and writing both words and sentences. Children will consolidate Set 1 sounds and special friends and begin to learn Set 2 sounds.


Our Talk Through stories texts this half term will be: 




The children in Nursery will continue to develop their understanding of number through a variety of games, songs and creative activities, to allow them to develop their knowledge of numbers and what they mean. They will also explore shapes, measures and patterns; and extend their use of mathematical language. This will include subitising, solving real life problems and AB patterns.


Reception will be continuing to develop their understanding of numbers to ten, by comparing numbers, combining two amounts and exploring number facts to 10 (number bonds). We will also be learning about measure, including weight, height and length.


Understanding the World

We will be learning about the changes in season from Autumn to Winter and looking for signs of Winter. We will be thinking about how we can be Superheroes for our local wildlife in Winter by creating hibernation boxes and bird feeders.

We will also be learning to compare aspects of life from ‘now’ and ‘in the past’ through stories such as the Happy Families book series but also photos and everyday life experiences. We will also be comparing where we live with contrasting environments such as cold climates and cities.



Expressive Arts and Design

This half term we will be having a focus on junk modelling – we will be practising our cutting and joining skills and then using these skills to create hibernation boxes in groups.


The children will also be using the Charanga Music Platform as part of their weekly music sessions, which will include lots of opportunities for singing and exploring musical instruments and patterns/beats.



Miss Forrest and Mrs Rushton
