School Logo

Class 3

Welcome to Class 3!




Welcome to our Class Page! 


Important days to remember each week:


Monday - PE kits should be in school. Homework hand in day.

Wednesday - Homework is given out.

Friday - PE kits can go home to be washed ready for Monday. 


Reading is an important life skill. Please ensure you read with your child at least 5 times a week and sign their diary. 


Times-tables underpin so much of the Maths in key stage two. Please ensure your child learns the times-table they have been set. A quiz is given every 2-3 weeks to allow the children time to learn them at speed. To ensure they do not forget any times-tables, please spend time of TTrockstars each week. 


Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns,


Miss Blood

Our School Council Representatives!
