RE Curriculum
Religious Education (RE) is a core subject at our school and as such has a very high profile. RE lessons are taught using the Scheme of Work for Religious Education produced by the Birmingham Diocesan Education Service, ‘Learning and Growing as the People of God’, from Nursery to Year 6. This is based on Gospel Values and the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The Catholic ethos of our school permeates all areas of the curriculum. We recognise that every child is unique and created in the image of God. It is our aim to develop the whole child; to help them to grow in faith, and to develop as global citizens with a maturing Christian awareness. Our Catholic curriculum teaches the children to be honest, respectful, attentive, compassionate, generous, caring and wise.
Children are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation during Key Stage 2. This alternates between First Holy Communion and Reconciliation in Class 3 one year and Confirmation in Class 4 the next year. This is in a three-way partnership between school, Church and home.
Fr Chris Yule comes in to celebrate Mass every other Thursday at school, with children from Reception to Year 6 attending. On Saints Days, Holy Days of Obligation and Ash Wednesday, we celebrate Mass as a whole school. Families and parishioners are always warmly welcomed to join us in the celebration of Mass.
Prayers are said regularly throughout the day, during assemblies, class worship and during RE lessons, where appropriate. Children learn prayers that are said collectively, and have many opportunities to say and write prayers in their own words, and also have some silent time for their own thoughts and prayers.